Moving food and nourishing lives, one pound at a time. Quarterly Newsletter, Volume 1 Issue 1
We have accomplished a lot over the last quarter, and we are pleased to share some of our highlights with you. With the publication of our first quarterly EastWest Food Rescue newsletter, By the Pound, we invite you to read the stories that are shaping our work. In this issue, we cover the WSDA We Feed Washington program, celebrate Lend a Hand’s first annual food convention, highlight agricultural partner Mosby Farm and invite you to join us in virtually attending the White House Conference on Hunger Nutrition & Health. We have a lot going on this fall and we hope you continue your involvement, as an investor, volunteer, advocate, or all of the above. Your vital support keeps us moving the needle toward a more food secure Pacific Northwest.
We're Feeding Washington into 2023
Washington State Department of Agriculture works with hunger relief programs to address food insecurity in Washington including EWFR
In the last year, we participated in the We Feed WA pilot project to increase the amount of food distributed through our Last Mile Distribution Partners (LMDP). Through the existing partnership, this opportunity has enabled us to serve nine Washington counties in Western Washington and South-Central Washington, while expanding our offerings through Restoration Community Impact to Okanagan County. We were also able to engage new distribution partners to provide produce monthly or bi-monthly based on demand: Southwest Washington League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) in Clark County (Vancouver) and Feeding Feasible Feasts in Pierce County. Since carrying out the pilot successfully, we were able to enter a second, We Feed Washington contract enabling us to move fresh produce at the expanded rate of 240,000+ pounds per month through mid-2023.
EWFR's impact is now being consistently felt in eleven counties throughout the state through our LMDPs. Special thanks to the following community leaders and their teams for making sure EWFR's nutrient-dense foods are making it to those who need it most.
Meet our Last Mile Distribution Partners